Start Date: 9/16/2025 2:00 PM PDT
End Date: 9/18/2025 1:00 PM PDT
Venue Name: Spokane Convention Center
334 W Spokane Falls Blvd
Spokane, WA United States 99201
Organization Name:
Washington Association of Sewer and Water District
SAVE THE DATE for our in-person Fall Conference and Trade Show. We have great content, an exhibits program and plenty of interactive breaks included.
Registration To Open 2025!
Join the company of colleagues, vendors, and old friends at the Spokane Convention Center at this years in-person Fall Conference and Trade Show. Time for offering connections and networking will be generous. Program will be available when registration opens.
Batch Registration
You can register up to 5 WASWD Members as well as yourself during registration. Directions on how to do that are here.
If you wish to register other members only, directions on how to do that are here.
Coming Soon
Spokane Convention Center
Room Reservation information coming soon!
Sponsoring the Conference
We offer tiered sponsorships for organizations to support WASWD members. Conference Sponsors will have their logos placed on the last page of the program, on the WASWD website, on conference kiosks, and in the Pipeline newsletter following the conference!
Walt Canter Scholarship Golf Tournament
Information Coming Soon
Scholarship Golf Tournament Sponsorship Opportunities
There are several ways your company can sponsor the 2025 Fall Scholarship Golf Tournament:
Information Coming Soon
Proceeds from this tournament go to support the Walt Canter Scholarship Fund. The WASWD Scholarship Program is an annual program to assist people wishing to acquire an education in career fields required by special purpose districts.
Conference Meals
Information Coming Soon
Spouse/Guest Meal Tickets
Meal tickets will be available for purchase for your spouse or guest on site at the conference.